
Latest Fraud And Scams Round-Up

National Fraud Helpline scam alerts


Scams are always circulating online, but with our weekly roundup of the latest threats you can protect your finances and stay one step ahead.

Starting this week (beginning October 28), several new online scams are doing the rounds.

From phishing attempts to fake shopping sites, staying informed about these threats is an important step in safeguarding your personal information and finances.

A fake website has been set up to impersonate beauty retailer Space NK, offering a beauty advent calendar for £28.99 reduced from £125.03.

If you try to purchase the product, you end up on a phishing site which takes your shipping and financial details to scam you.

Which? has also received reports of a “dodgy” email circulating, which claims it comes from Lloyds Bank.

The email states that the bank is “changing the way it looks” and that you must “re-authenticate” your account to continue using it.

However, the re-authentication link is designed to harvest financial information.

We reported on a scam targeting Gmail users last week, and this week another scheme has emerged aimed at users of the platform. 

A message, claiming to be from Google, tells you that your phone has been infected with viruses and directs you to a button which it says can remove them.

When the button is pressed, it leads to malware being downloaded onto your device.

Social media platforms are also providing a breeding ground for scammers this week, as a new scam offering “part-time” jobs is doing the rounds on TikTok.

If you want more information about the job, you are instructed to contact the sender via Whatsapp.

This will most likely lead to what’s known as a task scam, where you’re asked to complete tasks for money but eventually tricked into investing money to “upgrade your account.”

Martin Richardson, senior partner at National Fraud Helpline, said: ‘One of the number one rules to remember is, if it looks to good to be true then it probably is.

‘If in doubt ask a trusted friend or family member for their opinion.’

Have you lost money to a scam? Contact National Fraud Helpline. Call 0333 0033218 or fill out our Claim Form.